About Tiffany

Hi there!

Hi there and welcome! My name is Tiffany Kindred Sage, and I am so excited you found your way here. 

I have turned my passion for self exploration and personal transformation into a thriving practice of helping guide others on their own journey of self discovery and transformation! 

From childhood, I built up conditioned people-pleasing qualities, and over time, I abandoned myself to meet the high expectations of myself in all areas of my life.

I became lost in a sea of serving the needs of my high-pressure career, my family life and my daily responsibilities. I had no anchor to ground me to who I was as a person and what I needed to feel healthy.

I was living in a sea of chronic stress, overwhelm and a dysregulated nervous system. Through my lack of boundaries I had abandoned myself in the process. I lost connection to myself and I lost touch with my core needs. I engaged in unhealthy coping mechanisms and was emotionally disconnected from my most important relationships. Everyone in my life suffered, including me.

After years spent hiding my loneliness and pain, I felt deep a calling for change. I started my own personal journey of transformation by slowing life down and going inward. I made myself a priority.

Slowing down gave me insights and allowed me to make observations and carve out a new path for myself based on what I needed to get healthy again. I used the tools and techniques of The Adult Chair® model to get into touch with my core needs. I started setting boundaries, and I made tough decisions to change my environment so I could grow and come back home to myself. 

Now, I am free to live authentically and without walls. I allow myself to be seen and heard without fear of rejection. I own my power, I claim my gifts and live my purpose.

  • Tiffany, you were born to do this work. Keep moving in the direction of your passion. You have a gift that needs to be shared with the world. You are just going to keep getting better. Thank you for helping me to connect at such a deep level where I could show up for self.

    - Lisa

  • Thank you, Tiffany, for a beautiful session. You set the stage with calming breathwork to bring me into my body. I loved working with you and left feeling like I learned a lot about myself and how to move forward.

    - Rebecca

  • I am so appreciative of the breakthrough I was able to make with your help in such a short time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    - Laura G.

I am here to help guide you back to your true self, inspire you to show up authentically and empower you to take action to start living your best life.

I have experienced first-hand the life-changing power of this work, and I have witnessed clients set themselves free. It’s a powerful and beautiful experience. When you are ready to answer the call to action I will be by your side every step of the way. 

Are you ready to feel more aligned to your authentic self? Are you ready to master your inner experience to a calm, peaceful and loving state? I offer a free 15-minute consultation to all new clients as we begin our journey together to ensure it’s the right fit.